Monday, June 30, 2014

A New Beginning

     I have posted about 350 poems here, and I think it is time to revisit and revise some of them for possible publication rather than continue to post new work on a weekly basis.
   Thank you to those followers who have stuck with me. I may still occasionally post a new poem here but not on any regular schedule.  If you are finding this blog for the first time, please feel free to browse and, I hope, find something you enjoy.
                                                                                                                     Fred Zirm

Monday, June 23, 2014



When I cycle swiftly,
sometimes the rush of wind
sounds like a car
that’s not really there
or masks the noise

of one that is. 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Hard Plumbed

We ran into some complications with a kitchen appliance.

    Hard Plumbed
The delivery man tells us
he cannot replace the old
dishwasher with its solid
copper connection and no
cut-off valve to accommodate
a new and improved successor.

It was installed as if it would
last forever – like a monument
or a bank vault or a heart.

Monday, June 9, 2014

In the Dentist's Chair

Yes, I had a cavity filled last week.

 In the Dentist’s Chair

Reclining like a reluctant
astronaut abducted by masked
and goggled aliens who probe
and pry and then ask you questions
when you are least able to answer,
you must agree to pay your own

ransom for six months of relief. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Extended Time

In the U.S., students who have been diagnosed with learning issues that make them take more time to process and produce things are given extended time on tests.  This poem takes that phrase a little more literally- and figuratively.

        Extended Time

For the following students,
each minute in school
will seem like an hour,
and the hours will take days,
while the days will drag on
forever until the weeks wear
and bear down like months
and the weekends
never come and
never last as long
as a boring lecture
or this eternal
final exam.