I haven't been posting, but I have been doing a bit of writing....and a fair amount of publishing.
Here's one poem I'm working on.
Here's one poem I'm working on.
All Children Speak Chinese
In the toddlers’ tonal tongue,
ga or da may mean
cup or car or carry me,
depending on inflection
Later, when we add more
words, we still do much
the same with yes and no
and love; it just escapes
I know the following names: Alex(black) , John (black, heavyset, dates a temeka from holten arms, she is black , 2010 or 2011, Keith, was in a band withwilliam, he and mercer are the ringleaders, Josh, Caucasian 2010 or 11 and fifteen other students who are from those years and noti in school are torturing me. If anything happens to me please conduct an investigatio and help me identify them. This is meant with all possible respect, I am deep admirer of verse and really appreciate your above work. They have done unspeakable things to me, I desperately need a faculty member 's involvement . I need to speak with their parents and don't know where to start. Am scarred for my life. These people are monsters . I have scars on my soul and body. An alarming number of students from that year are not in school and this is the reason why. respectably, Stewart Lupton 310 751 6975 temporary number attitudelessons@gmail.com if I don't receive an email its because they hacked me .