Friday, May 13, 2011

The Discfunctional Family

Here is the poem that for some reason did not get posted as scheduled in the queue for yesterday (5/12).  Perhaps it is appropriate because it is a poem about computer (and familial) dysfunction.

                                               The Discfuntional Family

                                      The computer and the printer aren’t talking,
                                      and their compatibility is ever in doubt.
                                      The motherboard’s memory is balking;
                                      she seldom remembers what she’s about.

                                       The RAM and the ROM keep on fighting,
                                        like siblings over their share of a seat.
                                        Dozens of documents they are slighting,
                                        left in limbo between save and delete.

                                        Meanwhile all maintenance is neglected –
                                        even the mouse is beginning to squeak,
                                        and the hard drive needs to be inspected:
                                        it coughs and hums as if preparing to speak.

                                        Yes, all signs here point to an imminent crash,
                                         but the problem, as always, is not enough cache.

1 comment:

  1. Great one. Love the metaphors and the use of objects that are considered to be so inanimate, such as computer parts.
