Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Drive Home

We've stopped taking the turnpike and interstates to one place we go to each summer.

                                                         The Drive Home

                                            Despite the convenience of
                                            interstates and iPods,
                                            I like to take local routes
                                            and tune in local radio.
                                            Sometimes it's good to find out
                                            what the world has to offer
                                            rather than just listening to what
                                            you think you want to hear.
                                            There's so much beyond my personal
                                            play list: Christian rock and rap, right
                                            wing talk, Latino music, Big Band and
                                            country, country, country. ( The radio
                                            is my crude GPS. When I get
                                            rock or classical, I know I'm near
                                            a college.When I get nothing, I know
                                            I'm lost.) I learn news that never
                                            makes the satellite stations: rummage
                                            sales, arrests, break-ins, choir concerts
                                            and special blood drives for the boy
                                            who has that disease they don't want
                                            to name on the air.  It's helpful
                                            to know where you are is not always
                                            where you want to be.  And when I
                                            stumble across a favorite song, 
                                            I somehow feel I've earned it. 


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