Monday, February 24, 2014

Shadow Twins

  Just something I noticed when coming back from my morning walk yesterday. 

 Shadow Twins

Through a trick of light,
I cast two shadows
in the morning sun:
one climbs the front porch
steps before me,
the others stands in
the doorway
to greet us both
or turn us both away.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Snow Plows

They finally plowed our street after the storm, a mixed blessing.

 Snow Plows

clear the path
to the greater good
by burying curbside cars
and blocking freshly dug drives
with piles of what they push aside.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Wind Chill

After hearing the forecast one night, I began to think of what an interpersonal weather report might sound like.

Wind Chill

Do we feel so frosty now
because of what’s blown
between us?

Were we once so hot
because of something
in the air?

And if we ever found
a fair, clear day
could we still see


Monday, February 3, 2014


 I somehow got thinking of unidentified remains in the freezer. (Past meals, not corpses.)


We kept our dreams
safe and frozen
until the day
they could come true

but by that time
we had forgotten
which was for me
and which for you

the rich dessert
or the hearty stew.