Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fitness First 1

Two things I'm getting used to with this blog: 1. The poems I post will be works-in-progress rather than finished products, even though they are open to public viewing.  (I can't completely polish most poems in one day.)  2.  I know that friends and family will be reading these poems, as well as strangers, so I am aware of how they might take things.  (With today's poem, I am conscious that I have friends that go to the same gym as I do and will not agree with the feelings I express about some of the activities there.  In fact, I'm not sure I totally agree with them: I'm writing poems and not expressing final rational opinions about things.)

On the writing front, I wonder if: 1. The treadmill section could use a dose of reality.  Most of us are on the treadmill to lose a few pounds and are probably thinking about calories burned more than the meaning of life.  2. The lines in the cycling section are too short and choppy.  (Copying and pasting from Word has added some spaces between lines as well in that section that I can't seem to get rid of..  I'm too pressed for time right now to retype the whole thing on the blog itself, so please ignore any skipped lines that seem odd.)

Anyway, here's today's posting.

                                                Fitness First
                                          The Treadmill Room

                                    We are all going nowhere fast-
                                    or as fast as we can-
                                    working hard to stay in one place,
                                    afraid that if we stop or misstep,
                                    we will be swept into that
                                    dark backward always nipping
                                    at our heels. Some of us are
                                    running from what we were;
                                    others are trying to return to it-
                                    all are postponing that tomorrow
                                    when improvement ends.


                                                Cycling Class

                                    Unlike the lilies of the field,
                                    we both toil and spin
                                    as the instructor makes us
                                    climb an imaginary mount
                                    for a sermon in sweat.

                                    Blessed be the legs
                                    as they blur and burn
                                    (and cursed be the cramps).
Blessed be the heart that pound
  and the mouth that pants,
                                    for they keep time to our climb.
Blessed be the lungs
that threaten to burst
                                    but don’t,
                                    for they breathe into the blood,
                                    filling it with the fuel we need
                                    (and cursed be the breakfast
                                    we skipped to be here).

                                    Blessed be our companions
                                    who cannot surge ahead
                                    because we are all fixed
                                    to the floor (and cursed
                                    be the fact that all our
                                    hard work does not
                                    get us ahead of anyone else).
Blessed be Foghat
for “Slow Ride”
                                    (the rhythm is right)
                                    and Michael for “Thriller”,
                                    (we are smiling zombies
                                    on our pedals
                                    as the video runs
                                    through our heads)
                                    but curse AC/DC for this
                                    highway to hell.

                                    And finally, bless the clock
                                    that declares this climb is done,
                                    the sermon finished.
                                     The cool down begins.

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