This is the 181st day if my poetry181 blog, so this is the final daily entry I'll be posting. I don't want to stop completely, though, so each Monday I'll be posting whatever I've written that week - at least one piece, I promise. Please check it out and spread the word about this blog if you've liked it.
Maintaining this blog has been a true educational experience. I've learned that necessity is truly the mother of invention (that's one reason I want to retain a weekly requirement for myself); I've also learned that invention is exhausting. I'm not sure I've become a better poet - yet - but I think I'll eventually learn from this experience.
It would be great to hear from you if you've been reading this blog and enjoying (or not enjoying) it. All I get from blogspot is stats about number of pageviews. I can't tell if people are viewing the pages and leaving quickly in disgust or staying and savoring every syllable, so your comments would be much appreciated. (You can post anonymous comments if you like.) I'm especially curious about the pagviews from places like Russia and Iran, places where English is not widely spoken.
I'm afraid I'm going to end this phase of the blog with a whimper rather than a bang, a short two liner rather than some eloquent epic. ("The Poet's Farwell to His Tropes"?)
A Final Fortune Cookie
The longest journey ends
with but a single stop.
Maintaining this blog has been a true educational experience. I've learned that necessity is truly the mother of invention (that's one reason I want to retain a weekly requirement for myself); I've also learned that invention is exhausting. I'm not sure I've become a better poet - yet - but I think I'll eventually learn from this experience.
It would be great to hear from you if you've been reading this blog and enjoying (or not enjoying) it. All I get from blogspot is stats about number of pageviews. I can't tell if people are viewing the pages and leaving quickly in disgust or staying and savoring every syllable, so your comments would be much appreciated. (You can post anonymous comments if you like.) I'm especially curious about the pagviews from places like Russia and Iran, places where English is not widely spoken.
I'm afraid I'm going to end this phase of the blog with a whimper rather than a bang, a short two liner rather than some eloquent epic. ("The Poet's Farwell to His Tropes"?)
A Final Fortune Cookie
The longest journey ends
with but a single stop.