Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Neverending Poem

It's audience participation time!  The following poem is purely silly and infinitely expandable.  It is simply a list of how different people (or creatures) might feel at the end of the day, expressed in stupid puns.  If you can think of another one, simply submit it as a comment and the poem will grow.

                                                                At the End of the Day

                                             The paleontologist feels bone tired,
                                             the muffler repairman exhausted,
                                             and the fashion model worn out
                                             when the plasterer hits a wall.

                                             The fireman feels burned out,
                                             the dancer seems tapped out,
                                             and the funny car driver is dragging
                                             while the plumber is really drained.

                                             The plastic surgeon is tuckered out,
                                             the landscaper, bushed,
                                             the zombie, dead on his feet,
                                             while the drummer is truly beat.
                                             It’s curtains for the playwright,
                                             the skunk is running on fumes
                                             when the NASCAR driver crashes
                                             as the poet reaches the end of the line.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, i like this poem quite a lot. Although it appears to be so simple, it tells the whole true story in a poetic way, if i am allowed to use this term. Even though we are bored doing the same things every single day,that is go to work, have lesson, drink a quick coffee at the corner shop, if you think of it otherwise you may notice that each day is different. Sometimes boring, but other times so refreshing interesting that makes you love your life within its routine once more.
    "the bird, as exactly the singer does, sings its dearest goodnight song" Dumb, uh?
